We're in the thick of the winter riding season and this has been one heck of a winter for icebiking in CBus! Winter came early and cold.........and stayed. I can't remember a winter since I started biking with more days below freezing at this point in the year. Other than the week I was sick and the week I was on vacation I've been riding every day the pavement is dry enough--averaging 3-4 days per week.
Today, the the temperature was 16 degrees when I left home, but the pavement was perfectly dry and there was very little wind. I was warmed up in no time (in my winter riding gear) and enjoyed a pleasant, uneventful ride downtown.
We launched "2 by 2012" at a press conference last week at the Grange Audubon Center. Mayor Coleman, Andrea Cambern, the new president of Columbus State, Jeni from Jeni's Ice Cream, a representative from Grange Insurance, and Jeff Stephens, the ED of Consider Biking were there to offer comments. Our goal is for every citizen to replace 2 auto trips per month with biking--this can be trips to work, school or to do errands. We hope to accomplish this by the City's Bicentennial in 2012, hence "2 by 2012."
One of our challenges is lack of infrastructure--the Bicentennial Bikeway Plan is being implemented, albeit slowly in these challenging economic times. If you live and work near the Olentangy Trail or other bikepath, count yourself lucky. But many folks don't and therefore will have to bike on the roads. (I do live and work near the bikepath, but bike mostly on the roads because it is the quickest way to get around--by following a few simple safety rules everyone can bike comfortably and safely on the roads.)
Come Spring, we will have experienced cyclists leading herds, flocks and/or gaggles of cyclists into downtown each day from the 4 quadrants of the City. By riding with experienced cyclists in larger groups, newer less experienced cyclists will feel safe and can learn the rules of the roads from the veterans. I will be leading the twowheeling herd from the northend of Columbus--specifically I will be departing from Morse and High at 7 am each morning, beginning Friday, April 1 (no this isn't an April Fool's joke) and riding south on High Street to downtown. You are welcome to meet me at Morse & High or anywhere along the route--we will publish expected arrival times at various spots (probably coffee shops) along the route so you can plan accordingly. You can bike to the route or, if you live in some far-flung suburb, you can drive and park near the route and bike from there--"park and bike" definitely counts toward 2 by 2012.
At the end of the day, I will lead the herd back up High Street, departing from the new park formerly known as the City Center at 6 pm.
Other herds, led by experienced cyclists, will be riding in from other parts of the City each day. We will find a way to publicize the routes and times so that you can join the herd nearest you. If we have enough interest in other routes, e.g. Clintonville to Dublin, and can find experienced cyclists to lead them, we will do our best to add routes to meet the demand.
If you are an experienced cyclist that wishes to lead/co-lead a herd, please contact me at [email protected]. We will be having a couple of meetings this winter to establish the routes and departure times and to do a bit of training.
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